About Us
eTaal 2.0 portal is launched for providing a real-time aggregated view of volume of e-Services being delivered across the central, state and local governments in India. It displays the number of ‘end-to-end electronic transactions’ as the indicator for measuring the performance of G2C, G2B and B2C e-Services.


 eTaal layer aggregates eTransactions through eGovernance applications and provides a consolidated view of eTransactions and eServices

 Performs analysis of eTransactions from various eServices and represents in tabular and graphical analysis

 Enables Ministry/Department/ States/ UTs in efficient decision making

 Assist in comparison of performance amongst various States

 Key Stakeholders

 States & UT


 Citizens & NGO

 Academic Institution & Researchers

 Central Ministries & Departments

eTaal Portal is best viewed in Google Chrome ver 60, Firefox ver 60 or above
Disclaimer : This website is Designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY).